Digiday+ Research: Agencies execs see more long-term value in the metaverse than blockchain

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This research is based on unique data collected from our proprietary audience of publisher, agency, brand and tech insiders. It’s available to Digiday+ members. More from the series →

Even as the hype around blockchain and the NFT marketplace climbs to a fevered pitch, some in the media and marketing space aren’t quite as bowled over — agency execs in particular. Rather, agencies appear more drawn to the appeal of another hyped arena of the near future: the metaverse.

Of the 94 agency respondents surveyed by Digiday in February, the number that pointed to the metaverse as the most transformative technology on their business over the next five years was six times higher than those that expect the blockchain to be the most important emerging technology for the near-term future.

It’s worth noting that, of all the choices among transformative technologies (which includes virtual reality, NFTs and cryptocurrency) that are or will be available to agencies, the second largest response was “none of the above.”


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