The Signal: Smartphone Wars

Smartphone Wars Continue: Microsoft just announced Tuesday at the Research In Motion’s Blackberry World conference  that it will be partnering with RIM. Blackberry phones will now have Microsoft Bing search and maps apps. With Google and Apple smartphones to compete with, with this partnership between competitors be helpful? CNET


World Record: It’s official:  Guinness World Records has certified the LG Optimus 2x as the world’s first dual-core smartphone. MobileCrunch


Game Time: We all use our smartphones for a range of multimedia activities: checking emails, using social networking sites, watching YouTube videos, etc; but guess what activity comes out on top? Gaming. According to data from Zokem, over 60 percent of smartphone owners game on a monthly basis using their handset. GigaOm

Martha Says: The queen of cooking and fancy table settings, Martha Stewart says she loves iPads and Samsung tablets. She sees tablets as the future and embraces them for her brand. Being the practical lady she is, she also sees the value of tablets’ large screens so that people don’t go blind from squinting. That’s a good thing. Wired


In-App Billing Woes: Google recently launched their in-app billing for the Android Market, which will help game and app developers do more business; but it’s not all smooth sailing. Ora Weissenstern outlines some of the challenges that developers may face in selling on the Android Market. VentureBeat

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