The Feed

A recent study shows that women like to cyberstalk ex-boyfriends via Facebook. (Not sure we needed a study to point that out, but OK). So guys, maybe don’t use any check-in features on Facebook unless you want your crazy ex-girlfriends to know where you are…. We see you. Jk, LOL. Xoxo. ;-) Daily Mail


In other creepy lady news, did you know that there is a genre of YouTube videos devoted to women showing their pregnancy test results? Yes, it exists, and it’s another example of how people have no boundaries anymore thanks to technology. Nothing is too intimate to share with the world, not even peeing on a stick and finding out you’ve got a bun in the oven.  Slate


Tuesday’s Tumblr is fatty and delicious: It’s All About the Bacon


Making fun of hipsters is a really tired trend. Really, it’s just soooo over, but at least this attempt has a cute dog in it. Urlesque


I saw this Sun Drop commercial for the first time this past weekend and was confused at first. I had never heard of Sun Drop soda before, and Snoop Dogg’s “Drop Like It’s Hot” was playing while a dorky white girl wearing Napolean Dynamite-esque workout attire was “dancing,” so naturally I thought it was a spoof. Apparently Sun Drop is a real soda and has been around for a long time (news to me), and this new commercial was produced by MTV Scratch (hence the headband around forehead look) and as part of the soda’s first national launch. I guess people like it because it’s getting a lot of views on YouTube. Check it out for yourself. AdFreak


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