The Apple Fitness Plan

An Apple a Day: Apple knows a thing or two about sleek design, and now it wants its employees to be sleek too. Apple is launching a campaign, targeted first at its designers, encouraging healthy living. This campaign features an Apple Design + Health Kit, the contents of which include: weighted mugs (yes, that’s right, so you can do reps at your desk and drink coffee at the same time!), an exercise guide full of exercises you can do right in your office (with your mugs), a “Design + Health” Guide, and so much more! Time for all of you fast food loving, sedentary Apple designers to get into shape so Steve Jobs doesn’t have to look at you and cringe. Start lifting those mugs fast! ZDNet

Not Just a River in Egypt: Weinergate has really just spun out of control, hasn’t it? Anyway, he’s not the first public figure to blame Twitter hacking for inappropriate tweets. Here’s a list of some other idiots who have tweeted without thinking first and then just denied, denied, denied. Deadspin

Extreme Cooking: So apparently there is a YouTube trend of extreme cooking shows: quirky, over the top, culinary adventures that aren’t quite what Food Network would air. For example, the Vegan Black Metal Chef. Get your chain mail and black nail polish on and watch (and cook) for yourself.  The Washington Post

Tumblr of the Day: Actors with Action Figures

Just for Licks: Cone-ing is the new planking, spread the word! The Daily What

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