Infographic: Facebook, Not Twitter, is the Place to be For Teens

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Today being an Internet user almost always means being a social media user, especially when it comes to the younger crowd. According to data from the Pew Research Center, 95 percent of those ages 12-17 are Internet users, and 80 percent of those teens are social media users, which is up from last year when that number was just 55. Compare those figures to the 64 percent of all online adults who use social media sites today, per Pew.

Unsurprisingly, when asked which social media site they have accounts on, Facebook came out on top with teens. An overwhelming 93 percent of teen social media users have a Facebook account. MySpace came in at a distant second place with 24 percent, and Twitter at an even more distant third place with 12 percent.

What is interesting, and perhaps surprising, is that of these teen social media users, 59 percent have an account on only one social media site, while 41 percent have accounts on multiple sites. Of the teens who limit themselves to one social media account, 89 percent maintain that one account on none other than Facebook. Of the teens who bounce around the social Web, 99 percent have an account on Facebook. Clearly Facebook dominates the teen demographic across the board.

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