Chocolate Gets Social

Need it Now: Researchers at the University of Exeter have developed a 3D chocolate printer. That’s right, you heard me, chocolate! It prints in chocolate! How is this useful or at all related to digital media? I’m not sure! But it’s chocolate! Oh yeah, the developers want to make a “chocolate-oriented website” to introduce their chocolate printer to the digital world; and, of course, who does anything these days without making it social? As lead scientist Dr. Hao explains, “Chocolate has a lot of social purpose, so our intention is to develop a community and share the designs, ideas and experience about it.” See, it’s totally relevant. BBC

You’re Not Invited: After two parties in Hamburg, Germany, ended up in mayhem (remember the 16-year-old’s party that required 100 policemen to control the 1,500 party crashers?) because they were left as open invitations on Facebook, Lower Saxony may ban Facebook party invites all together. Not sure how that ban would work. Gawker

Tweet of the Day: Remember how the Obama administration announced that the President would personally sign “bo” on White House Twitter posts to denote that he himself is posting? Well, here is the first Obama tweet. He fit right in by going all lowercase and screwing up the space after the comma. Also, check out some people’s very thoughtful, relevant tweets with #AskObama, part of the live Twitter Town Hall meeting held yesterday. Over the course of the event, there were nearly 170,000 tweets with the hashtag. The Awl

Tumblr of the Day: A guy installed software on public computers to capture what people look like when using them. The results of this project: People Staring at Computers.

Video of the Day: For all of you Game of Thrones freaks.

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