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Campbell Mithun Issues Twinkies Challenge

Not too long ago, we all heard the sad news that Hostess, the beloved maker of sugary, nutritionally offensive bits of Americana like Twinkies and Wonder Bread, was filing for bankruptcy. The Twinkies brand is being auctioned off March 13. Minneapolis ad agency Campbell Mithun is using this moment in history as part of its summer intern application process.

The agency is asking applicants for its “Lucky 13” — that’s the summer internship program name — to fill out an online application, which includes presenting their brand-engagement ideas for “taking the iconic Twinkies brand into the future.”

The idea came about because Twinkies was a client of Campbell Mithun about 20 years ago. The agency came up with the “Where’s the cream filling?” tagline.

Applicants must submit a URL address for their Twinkies recommendation, which may be presented via blog, YouTube, Slide Share, or wherever else on the Internet, A “Dear new owners of Twinkies” statement, a “Dear Campbell Mithun, hire me because…” note, and, of course, their resume.

It’s a cute and fun branding exercise and an interesting way to evaluate internship applicants.

(Image via Lucky 13 Internship)

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