How publishers and brands are reimagining video on Twitter

Consumers are online for a multitude of reasons, which means their mindsets shift in any given moment from search or research to entertainment and information. To make those moments matter, marketers must boost connections between brands and premium content publishers on social media. 

Watch this new interview to see Laura Froelich, head of U.S. content partnerships at Twitter, and Digiday’s Chief Strategy Officer, David Amrani, discuss the importance of connecting with consumers by tapping into their known passions. In conversation, they unpack how brands can connect and partner with a range of content publishers and why cultural relevance impacts purchase decisions. 

In addition, the discussion highlights how Bank of America and Anheuser-Busch are driving highly engaged audience moments by connecting their brand to the best of what’s happening through premium video content on Twitter. What emerges are tips and hints on the targeting opportunities available in a busy social environment, all at the fingertips of brands and publishers that lean into meaningful experiences on the feeds consumers follow.

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