Retailer Mobile Sites Found Lacking

According to a study recently released by Pure Oxygen, a mobile e-commerce marketing firm, the online content of several major online retailers have significant accessibility flaws for mobile users, at least according to an analysis based on The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standards for mobile content. The W3C is an international body of researchers and information architects who collaboratively produce standards for web usage and design, such as HTML5. The findings don’t mean that smartphone users can’t easily navigate the brands’ sites, but rather that Website performance, including speed and overall design, could be better. Other findings include;

Amazon: 95 percent of pages requested fail to connect iPhone and Android shoppers with mobile content. Twenty-two percent failed to connect Blackberry shoppers
Best Buy: 90 percent of pages requested failed to connect iPhone, Android and Blackberry shoppers with mobile content.
Staples: 98 percent of pages requested fail to connect iPhone, Android and Blackberry shoppers with mobile content.
Office Depot: 99 percent of pages requested fault to connect iPhone, Android and Blackberry shoppers with mobile content.

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