How Charlie Sheen Found Twitter

It seemed too good to be true when an @charliesheen Twitter account appeared yesterday around noon, though its legitimacy was confirmed with Twitter’s “verified” seal of approval.

It turns out Sheen didn’t just impulsively start a Twitter account the morning after he made waves with a series of bizarre interviews. Instead, a member of his camp contacted social media celebrity ad network for help in setting up his presence, according to the company.
That’s not so unusual, according to CEO Arnie Gullov-Singh, since the company is known around Hollywood for the work it has done in social media with about 1,000 celebs like Kim Kardashian.
“There is a huge gap in Hollywood in understanding social media,” he said. “We ended up filling that gap. We’ve earned the reputation as the go-to guys in Hollywood for social media.”
It used contacts at Twitter to wrangle the @charliesheen account for a squatter and also get it verified before Sheen even tweeted, according to Gullov-Singh.
With a quick’s tutorial, Sheen comes off as a wily Twitter pro. He quickly started using hashtags, link-shortener and posting photos via Twitpic.
Thanks to his current stranglehold on the pop culture-news media nexus, Sheen has what could be one of the fastest growing ever Twitter accounts.
In just over 24 hours, he’s amassed nearly 1 million followers. Since he’s out of work, it begs the question if followers should expect some ads next. Gullov-Singh says that might come but not necessarily, since often provides free social media consulting to celebrities in the hopes of working with them later in a commercial capacity. campaigns typically cost advertisers between $1-$2 per click and run across Twitter and Facebook.
“We want to be top of mind if they think about monetizing it,” Gullov-Singh said of Sheen’s account. ‘He may never think of monetizing it.”

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