Latest Shiny Object: Brand Timelines

Marketers are excited by the opportunities Facebook’s new Brand Timelines will present. The feature will give them a canvas to create more engaging brand experiences and tell stories to users on the platform like never before, they hope. But people tend to forget one thing about Facebook pages, according to Big Spaceship’s Joshua Teixeira and Victor Piñeiro: Nobody visits them. As a result, they urge marketers to resist “Shiny Object Syndrome.”

The crown jewel of Facebook’s first fMC conference, Brand Timelines, is being touted as “the richest, most customizable marketing canvas ever created.” Judging by the hype that’s flooded the Internet since their unveiling, marketers agree: This is apparently Facebook’s most important development since Open Graph. Brands now have the opportunity to craft a richer story on the platform and build a more inviting destination site that lives inside the smaller Internet we call Facebook. And yet, among the avalanche of articles full of tips and best practices, most marketers have been silent about an elephant in the room. Nobody actually visits your brand’s Facebook page.

Read the full post at Fast Company’s Co.Create.

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