5 Brands Winning at Pinterest

When it comes to Pinterest, not all brands are quite sure what to do with it.

According to data from Digitas, 70 percent of brand engagement on Pinterest is generated by users, not brands themselves. But of the brands that are on Pinterest, some have figured out better than others how to make use of the social image-gathering site. And clearly there is value in Pinterest users. According to Sephora, it’s Pinterest followers spend 15 times more than their Facebook fans

A new report from Unmetric looked at over 5,000 branded Pinterest pages to see which brands were getting the most followers, posting the most pins and getting the most repins. Unsurprisingly, a lot of the brands that are doing well are retail brands, like Nordstrom and L.L. Bean, but not all of them are. Some publishing brands are taking advantage of their content and their voice and bringing it to Pinterest. For example Everyday Health has one of the most popular branded boards on Pinterest, and Mashable, defying the Pinterest stereotype of being a place for female focused content, has one of the most commented-on branded boards.

See below for the top five branded Pinterest boards and what those brands are doing to get so many followers.

1. L.L. Bean

Followers: 5.8 million
Boards: 24
Most popular board: “Woodland Creatures”
L.L.’s Bean’s “Woodland Creatures” board has 4.7 million followers. According to Unmetric data, only two other boards have crossed the four million follower mark: Jetsetter’s “Daily Moment of Zen” at 4.3 million and Nordstrom’s “Garden Wedding Ideas” at 4.1 million. From fashion, to the outdoors and wildlife, to outdoor activities and wedding themes, L.L. Bean has a range boards that cover different images types and subjects for all of its different fans.

2. Jetsetters

Followers: 4.6 million
Boards: 47
Most popular board: “Daily Moment of Zen”
Jetsetters’ board “Daily Moment of Zen” has 4.4 million followers. A lot of people love to pin images of places they’d like to travel to, beautiful faraway beaches and white mountain tops. It’s no wonder that so many people follow this board, which features beautiful travel photos of breathtaking destinations. Other boards include destination-specific pins, some offer travel style or activity suggestions for different cities.

3. Nordstrom

Followers: 4.4 million
Boards: 61
Most popular board: Garden Wedding Ideas

Nordstrom’s most popular board, “Garden Wedding Ideas,” has 4.2 million followers. The board features flowery wedding inspiration for brides-to-be. Nordstrom’s other boards range from decor, fashion week, designer curated boards and more for their shoppers to enjoy.

4. Everyday Health

Followers: 3.9 million
Boards: 40
Most popular board: “Joy Bauer”

Everyday Health’s guest board by famed nutritionist Joy Bauer has 3.8 million. Bauer has pinned inspirational health quotes, healthy recipes and helpful food health facts. Everyday Health’s other boards include other guest boards, weight loss success stories, and other healthy lifestyle topics.

5. Lowe’s

Followers: 3.6 million
Boards: 42
Most popular board: “Build It!”

A popular theme on Pinterest is pinning DIY projects and instructions. Lowes’ most popular board, “Build It!,” does just that. Lowe’s other boards include things like home improvement tips, curb appeal, color-themed boards, grilling and more.


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