This is Your Brain on Banner Ads

Neuromarketing, one of the digital industry’s most competitive realms, is nothing new for Google. The most common method of neuromarketing analysis is eye-tracking, a process which records eye-movements in response to online content.

Recently, Google used MRC International, an eye-tracking analytics company based in Stockholm, to examine the visual effectiveness of a YouTube display campaign in Sweden. The results, according to MRC, showed that 87 percent of users recalled the ad after 48 hours and reacted favorably to it. MRC did a similar study of an ad campaign by Pampers in Sweden, with similar results. Key components of the success of both campaigns were optimal name placement on the webpage and clarity of the overall marketing message.
Eye-tracking’s appeal as a tool for campaign optimization, according to MRC International CEO Mathias Plank, is that it offers “unique objectivity” to the insights it offers marketers on the response value of display ad spends and content appeal.

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