Did Social Media Kill Spider-Man?

Social Media Scapegoating: Did you see the musical Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark? No? You’re not the only one, and that’s why the show’s former director Julie Taymor is pissed; she claims that she was fired from her directorial role because of social media — not because she directed a Spider-Man musical that involved all kinds of dangerous technical malfunctions and all-over-the-place performances. Taymor says that experimental theater is always met with criticism at first and that the negative social media coverage of her experimental Spider-Man musical quickly amplified this criticism. Of course, social media expedites word-of-mouth reviews, but it doesn’t change how Broadway runs. Better luck next time, Ms. Taymor. WSJ

Peeping Tom: Do you ever get the feeling that someone is peering over your shoulder and reading TMZ with you or laughing at the 30 Rock episode you are watching on your Netflix streaming account? Yeah, it’s annoying! And creepy! Here are some tips from Gizmodo to get other people’s eyes of your computer screen. Gizmodo

RIP MySpace: Poor MySpace. Even the founders of the dying social network don’t use the site anymore. The last time Tom, you know, your first automatic MySpace friend, hasn’t posted anything on the site since March 2010. Yikes. Forbes

Video of the Day: Ode to Facebook of the day.

Website of the Day: Apparently this is a new facial hair thing; as they describe it, it’s “An Adventure in Facial Hair Perspective”: Beards From Below


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