The World’s Simplest Brands

For all their talk of integration and simplicity, many brands are ridiculously complicated. Try figuring out what exactly Microsoft means by Windows 8.

That’s too bad because simplicity is something people want, according to strategic branding firm Siegel+Gale. Its “Global Brand Simplicity Index” survey of more than 6,000 people in seven countries across three continents reveals that simplicity matters when it comes to a brand’s perception, its success and its ability to be innovative.

For the simplicity rankings, brands were evaluated based on questions related to the simplicity/complexity of their products, services and communications in relation to industry peers.

According to the survey findings, 80 percent of consumers are more likely to recommend a brand because it provides simpler experiences and communications. The top simplest global brand, according to the findings, was Google, while, ironically but unsurprisingly, Google Plus ranked among the least simple. Groupon, Ryanair, Allianz and Europcar also ranked among the bottom 10. See the tables below for the top 10 simplest global brands. For the full list of rankings see the entire report here.

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