Brands celebrate the Fourth of July with fireworks and clichés

The need to be “real time” means brands have to mark every occasion, large and small. America’s birthday is no exception.

Your typical brand social media manager wants nothing more than to get out of the office for the long weekend. Let’s say most of these well wishes for America won’t win many creative prizes. To the tweets!

Ah, fireworks.

Still more.

And more.

And more.

And then there were the American flags.

Ah, cupcakes, those are American.

The Molten Chocolate Cake is uniquely American — and 1,270 calories and 62 grams of total fat

Doughnuts are very American — the stop-motion is a nice touch.

Come to think of it, so is bacon.

And hot dogs are definitely American, as is acting a little weird. Kudos, Sonic.

But nothing is more American than a tasteful product placement.


Lufthansa reached across the pond with some Germanic well-wishes.

While Newcastle, to its credit, continued to troll America on its birthday.

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