Twitter has grand ambitions as a media company. Its execs shared a number of eye-opening stats that pertain to brands. Here are the best:
- 400 million: tweets per day
- 200 million: monthly active users of the services on a 30-day basis
- 100 million: that figure a year ago
- 33,000: tweets per second in Japan during New Years
- 6: median number of brands users follow
- 95 percent: public conversations about TV shows that happen on Twitter
- 80 percent: users on mobile in the UK and Japan
- 78 percent: how much more likely mobile users are to retweet a brand
- 60 percent: users on mobile in the U.S.
- 53 percent: increase in purchase intent from users who saw a promoted tweet
- 50 percent: Super Bowl advertisers with hashtags in their commercials
- 50 percent: Americans who see, read or hear about a tweet every day
- 12 percent: higher the click rate for brand tweets with price in whole dollars
- 17 percent: higher the click rate for tweets with a question mark
- 1-3 percent: engagement rates on Twitter ads
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