The New Porn Site The Whole Family Can Enjoy

If you love porn, but not the sex and nakedness part of it, then Cameron Porn is just for you.

In reaction to a tragic child-abduction and murder case in which the perpetrator was a child-porn enthusiast, U.K. prime minister David Cameron recently proposed Internet censorship legislation that mandates Web filters that block pornography, violent content and other content that has been deemed inappropriate.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, many critics cast Cameron’s proposal as an overreaction. Censorship tends not to go over well with the public. In this case, people are chiding Cameron for lumping all pornography in with child-abuse issues and for ignoring people’s right to access content freely online without being filtered.

While the proposed legislation is being discussed, two London-based ad creatives have come up with a diplomatic solution for those who still want to access porn under a potential porn ban: Cameron Porn.

Henrik Düfke and Felipe Montt have worked at agencies BBH New York and Mother London, and are now freelancing as a team at various agencies in London. Their pet project, Cameron Porn, as the site’s tagline explains, is “0 percent XXX, 100 percent drama.”
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“We had previously talked about doing something with porn-movie plots and the scenes in between the sex scenes — the whole concept of porn narratives is simply hilarious,” said Düfke. “When David Cameron announced the porn ban, we just had to launch the site.”

Cameron Porn features actual clips from pornographic movies, but without any of the naughty bits. As Düfke explained, he and Montt downloaded a bunch of old porn classics like “Deep Throat” and Swedish “Fäbodjäntan” and also “really tacky ones from the ’90s and early ’00s.” Then they picked the most hilarious and creepy scenes that didn’t include sexual content and edited the clips to put on the site. The result is a lot of scenery chewing, yearning glances and at least one happy electrician.

Check it out for yourself — even if you’re in the office, because it’s totally SFW.

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