15 Stats Brands Should Know About Mobile

Mobile’s not a nice-to-have anymore. The year of mobile might be hard to pinpoint, but there’s little doubt we’re entering a post-desktop era of ubiquitous computing and media consumption.

Here are 15 stats that all brands should know about mobile.

The U.S. is at 101 percent wireless penetration. (CTIA)

1 billion smartphones will be shipped globally this year. (Gartner)

Apple beats all other phone manufacturers in customer satisfaction for smartphones. (J.D. Power and Associates)

59 percent of mobile users are as comfortable with mobile advertising as they are with TV and online ads. (InMobi)

85 percent of mobile users prefer mobile apps over the mobile Web. (Compuware)

75 percent of Americans bring their phones to the bathroom. (11 Mark)

15 percent have answered their mobile phone while having sex. (Wilson Electronics)

Mobile advertising revenue is expected to reach over $11 billion worldwide this year, up from over $9 billion last year. (Gartner)

Mobile drives 23 percent of paid-search clicks. (The Search Agency)

Americans spend an average of 158 minutes every day on their smartphones and tablets. (Flurry)

15 percent of mobile users prefer to check financial accounts on smartphones and tablets. (Quicken)

42 percent of consumers using a mobile device while in-store spend more than $1,000. (Interactive Advertising Bureau)

Mobile now accounts for 12 percent of Americans’ media consumption time, triple its share in 2009. (eMarketer)

39 percent of mobile users access social networks from their phones. (Business Insider)

Mobile commerce will account for 15 percent of total e-commerce sales this year. (eMarketer)

Image via Shutterstock


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