December 10, 2023 •
• - 01 Challenges working across multiple RMNs
- 02 OK, what's making achieving effective measurement difficult when running campaigns on RMNs?
- 03 But advertisers are tapping into RMNs all the time, right? How are they solving their measurement challenges at present?
- 04 Got it. So look for RMNs that are collaborating and ask deeper questions about capabilities specific to the marketing team's campaign goals.
- 05 Following those moves, how can advertisers build the best attribution setup when working with a wide range of RMNs?
- 06 Say our advertising team wants even more detailed attribution information beyond the usual window of sales; how can we get that?
- 07 Advertisers are also working with standardization challenges in the RMN space. How far have we come in terms of bringing metrics and methodologies together under one roof?
- 08 What can advertisers do in the meantime about standardization? What's helping teams run RMN campaigns successfully as the industry works on the challenge?
- 09 OK, that's a pretty clear picture of where we stand with measurement, attribution and standardization. Now, how do we check and identify whether the RMNs we work with have the most robust measurement and attribution capabilities for our needs?