The state of publishing: Monetizing inventory without third-party cookies

With Google’s Chrome deadline for retiring third-party cookies looming and iOS 14 on its way — with the attendant promise that it will prevent tracking and device IDs — the clock for coming up with an effective response is ticking for publishers. It’s more important than ever for publishers to take control of monetizing their inventory.

From June to July 2020, we surveyed the Digiday audience to uncover the strategies publishers are implementing for life after third-party cookies. This state of the industry combines our findings with expert interviews from the buy- and sell-side.

Download this report for insights, advice and information on the following areas:

  • The impact of diminishing third-party cookies on publishers’ revenue mix and how the pandemic has affected plans for post-cookie monetization
  • Opportunities and challenges for publishers in first-party data and authenticated audiences
  • Direct buys and the changing relationships between publishers and advertisers

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