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Why Advertisers Turn Off Brand-Safety Controls: Marketer Dissatisfaction in an Era of Blunt Tools

The definition of “brand-safe” content varies from advertiser to advertiser. Indeed, all content has the potential to be brand-unsafe. It’s a tricky landscape for advertisers who want to err on the side of caution, and entirely unhelpful for publishers looking to ease advertisers’ brand safety concerns.

Cheq, in partnership with Digiday, aimed to investigate the after-effect of implementing brand safety tools during campaigns. After surveying over 300 Digiday audience members, made up of brands, agencies and publishers, the investigation found that brand safety tools are crippling reach and content for both the demand and supply side.

By downloading this report you will discover:

  • What content advertisers steer clear of and how they avoid it
  • Who industry pros say should take responsibility for brand safety
  • The role of publishers in providing safe environments
  • The brand safety effect on content monetization for publishers
  • The next steps for brand safety

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