A publisher’s guide to malvertisers

Digital advertising fuels publishers’ businesses, but it isn’t without its risks. Publishers are still susceptible to hosting malicious and low-quality ads that repel users and brands. According to new research, 84 billion problematic impressions were served last year.

What publishers may not know is that a tiny sliver of SSPs are responsible for a huge number of low-quality ads — and the SSPs that serve the most problematic impressions are also slowest to remedy the threats. In a new publisher’s guide, we’ll explore tricks for navigating the complex ecosystem of SSPs and low-quality ads. You’ll learn:

  • How many malicious ads and unwanted in-banner video ads were served in 2019
  • How to steer clear of the worst-offending SSPs
  • Why an SSP’s malicious ad rates correlates to its inability to stamp out problematic ads
  • The average malware response time among SSPs, comparing the best and worst performers

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