The impact of in-housing on creativity and ROI
In-housing of marketing operations is no longer a passing trend for brands, as well-known names across sectors continue to bring digital marketing efforts inside the four walls of their companies. From hybrid models to fully-fledged digital teams, it’s allowed these brands to be nimble and turn their digital capabilities on-and-off in line with what’s required and when.
Our research shows in-housing has a significant impact on creativity and return on investment, and by surveying over 200 European brands we’ve identified various in-house models, how they work and their effect on creativity, measurement, data and return on investment.
Join us on February 26th at 10am GMT as we sit down with Antonia Lindmark, Head of Insight at Bannerflow and Mindi Chahal, Head of Content at Digiday as they discuss:
- In-housing’s effect on creativity, including highlights from the research
- Year-on-year analysis into in-house models and how they work
- The state of transparency and agency relationships
- In-housing ROI and the role of measurement and data
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