How marketers are using geo-contextual targeting in a new era of privacy

As the advertising industry circles its privacy-centric future, contextual targeting is undergoing a renaissance. More marketers are remembering the efficacy of tailoring ads to resonate with the content their audiences quantifiably consume. 

One tactic gaining traction: Advertisers increasingly use location context to serve locally relevant ads. Geo-contextual targeting allows marketers to connect with consumers meaningfully by responding to their inferred interests and physical location in real time. To help these teams understand the full potential, Adsquare’s new guide highlights how developing geo-contextually relevant campaigns is critical to engaging in a post-cookie world. 

Download Adsquare’s guide on geo-contextual advertising to learn more about:

  • How to define effective geo-contextual segments
  • How to create tailored messages aligned with geo-contextual cues
  • Measurement and optimization tips and tricks
  • Geo-contextual targeting insights from Adsquare’s partnership with Matterkind

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How marketers are using geo-contextual targeting in a new era of privacy
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